Sunday, April 1, 2012

But why?......

You shouldn't rely on one person's experience, but you should use a condemn every time whether or not it has the full affect. By going in there once could make the difference of a pregnancy and a relieved person. Just because that guy didn't have anything go wrong doesn't mean it cannot happen to you. Every person is different and that could just be that person too. All you can do is wait for your period to come and if you miss it twice then take a pregnancy test, if it's negative. If you continue to be sexual active then use condemn definitely if you don't think so because ANYTHING can happen and get unprescribed birth control pills. But absence does work for a reason, don't allow yourself to be pressured into it if you; yourself don't want to. Just wait because the more your sexually active the higher the chance of getting pregnant. I'm being serious about this, you can't make the same mistake that you did. You cannot take chances, you must be precise because you could be a teen mother. What I cannot believe how free flow you are about everything, this is very serious especially since your in high school and at the prime time where kids experiment and something goes wrong and they end up on a tv show about their difficulties as a teen parent. But why now and why him, if you did it for love then your as dumb as those teen moms. Because teen love is a fictional thing that makes me so sick to my stomach because what the hell to teens know about love. Girls say I love you to every guy they meet. It's stupid and your stupid because you disgrace mary which she was a virgin thank you. But I'm not going to get into how dumb your were and are for doing it before it was time but whatever happens you must live with your decision. All you can do is pray and hope because that is the only thing that can save not your parents, friends, or family just your faith. JUST WAIT!! Because if you test yourself then you will end up pregnant and that's the damn truth, seriously yeah it's going to happen and it's better later then sooner because don't you want to go to college and finish high school and graduate because these kinds of mistakes make it had for you to achieve that. I'm really disappointed in you, how could you do this to can you not be worried because life is not pretty and warm it's hard and cold. I'm shocked that you would even think about it and actually to do it. I thought io knew you really it's very cliche but true, I know the real you would never do this. What happened because if it's him then I'm going to kick his bloody ass because this isn't you at all. :(

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